
To register for a 改变Lab course, select Spring 2024 on Self-Service and search CHNG. 找到您感兴趣的部分号并将其相加!


真实世界中的数据分析Students will complete real-world projects for start-ups or organizations (business, 非营利性, 公民, 或教育). 项目注重社会责任. 所有的队都由教练指导. 能力在项目管理、团队合作等方面得到发展.

CHNG 300-01, D01拥抱营销与传播改变Lab是一家学生经营的营销和传播机构. Students work with real world clients to provide marketing services to their businesses. 学生还会得到经验丰富的教练的专业指导.

Evansville 新闻Lab随着当地新闻报道的持续萎缩, there is a critical need to develop a viable and sustainable model for local news- especially in the Midwest and in cities the size of Evansville. This 改变Lab will first research the current level of coverage from the various local outlets and then develop strategies to address weaknesses in the local news ecosystem.

传粉者ⅱThis 改变Lab will be a closed course for majors working to educate and enhance native systems in and around 英国威廉希尔中文网站. 先决条件BIOL118 & BIOL320. 需要学院批准.

多样性和包容性培训学生将发展并学会领导DEI培训. The goal is to build a program in which students provides DEI training in a professional capacity to local organizations. Students will be led by coaches to develop and lead diversity and inclusion training. Students who successfully complete one semester may be eligible to provide diversity and inclusion training in a professional capacity for outside organizations under the leadership of the Center for 多样性、公平和包容

伦理与社会变革行动项目Students will develop an action project to effect positive change on campus or in the community.

联合音响联合音响是一个为有特殊需要的学生提供指导的项目. UE students will either teach their student how to play the instrument they play or be paired with someone who plays a similar instrument.

ng -310-07(有荣誉组)公平 & 营养食物系统Students will collaborate with Urban Seeds and other local food justice organizations and entrepreneurs that advocate for an equitable, 健全的食物体系, 增加获得健康服务的机会, 全民营养食品.

公共艺术:壁画This 改变Lab will explore the processes involved in creating public art, 专注于壁画, 最后的项目是一个艺术装置.

乔舒亚音乐学院音乐导师这是一种体验, real-world learning opportunity in which selected students will serve as the instructors of the Joshua Academy Band. The selected instructors will be guided by a coach provided by 英国威廉希尔中文网站.

CHNG-310-10 (Honors Section Available) Race and Responsibility in Evansville在本课程中, students will learn how to use the permanent collections at the Evansville African American Museum and Adath B'Nai Israel Temple to examine antiracism, 做出公正选择的重要性, and allyship by cultivating an exhibition about Same and Bettye Kessler, 巴普蒂斯敦运河街百货公司的老板, 这里是埃文斯维尔黑人社区的中心. 印第安纳州人文行动基金慷慨资助了这次展览, 学生展览将在两所院校同时展出.

创新科技:知识产权This 改变Lab will focus on providing a reliable source of information related to intellectual property in creative technology by establishing and coordinating a public lecture series. Students will have responsibilities for all aspects of event administration.

变革行动学生们深入探索自己的个人激情, 家族历史及兴趣, 研究世界各地的变革者, and then apply that knowledge and inspiration to a project of their choosing, 获得项目管理和现实世界的影响经验.

重塑荣誉重新想象一下对现代一代来说,荣誉课程是什么样子的. 活动、项目、住房等.,所有的想法都会被摆到桌面上. 在这个变化实验室里, you will have an opportunity to have a voice in what this distinctive program looks like.

chg -310- h12光明未来之书This 改变Lab will explore the developmental benefits of early childhood reading and spread this information to new and incoming parents for their knowledge and benefit. 学生将研究这些信息, create a rating system/criteria system for childhood books based on their benefits, and work with the EVPL (and potentially other companies) in order to create a new reading program and/or expand on an existing program.

拉丁裔社区外展Students will explore ideas and work collaboratively with different organizations to meet the needs of the local Latino community. Examples of outreach include working with providers to meet the healthcare needs of Latinos, 辅导英语学习者, 在课外活动中推广拉丁文化和西班牙语.

CHNG-310-Y02(荣誉组Available) UE档案的未来Help create plans for Archives and Special Collections at the UE Library! 学生将进行研究, 深入研究档案, 与UE社区成员讨论他们的需求, 考虑一下摆放我们独特藏品的理想空间. Some students will also design renderings of potential spaces and design a pitch for fundraising.

解决住房不安全问题Create an innovative solution for reaching functional zero of homelessness through affordable housing.

UE剧院的《威廉希尔中文网》 & 农民aceUE剧院的流氓 & 农民ace’ initiative is to creating greater access to Shakespeare in the tristate area. Our students would rehearse a piece of Shakespeare that fits into school curriculums and handle the outreach needed to bring the work into the community.

生殖权利和学生组织This 改变Lab will seek to connect with national organizations and/or build support across universities for student organizations that support reproductive freedom.

Evansville的用户体验This 改变Lab will allow students to provide low-cost UX web consulting for a local business. 学生将识别一个本地客户, 对网站进行可用性测试和用户研究, and design a clickable prototype of an improved website to be shared with the client. 不需要编码知识. 所有的工具和技术都是课程的一部分. 需要教练批准.



Mr. 安德鲁•卡特 '07, M'14

