

Mr. 托德Matteson



托德出生在华盛顿, Indiana and attended 英国威廉希尔中文网站 for his Bachelor of Science Degree (95). He was a studio assistant under Professor Les Miley from 1997-1999 while working at UE. In January of 2000, Todd started his Masters of 艺术 degree in Ceramics at Purdue University. 2002年从普渡大学毕业后, he became an Adjunct Instructor at Ivy Tech State College in Lafayette, IN as well as the Ceramics Instructor and Studio Technician at the West Lafayette Museum of 艺术. Todd was accepted into the Master of Fine 艺术s in Ceramics program at Kansas State University in 2004 and received his degree in 2006. During this time, he was an adjunct instructor at Washburn University. Upon graduation, Todd landed his first full-time professorship at Lourdes University, Sylvania, OH. Todd spent 9 years there as Assistant and Associate Professor as well as the Chairperson of the 艺术 Department. He oversaw the Pre-艺术治疗, 工作室艺术s, and 艺术 History programs in his final 3 years there. Todd was an elected representative of Faculty Senate at Lourdes and chaired numerous senate subcommittees. 他是托莱多艺术协会联合会的一名官员, Sylvania艺术委员会的成员, 并担任托莱多地区其他艺术组织的董事. In 2015, Todd returned to UE to teach Ceramics, Sculpture, and Foundation courses. He is currently Associate Professor and serves as a Faculty Senate Subcommittee member of Fiscal Affairs and Promotion and Tenure. 他是战略愿景委员会目标5的联合主席. 他是教育咨询委员会的成员, 并在艺术教育课程委员会任职. 托德在马丁·路德·金纪念馆任职. 规划委员会也是如此. He is a member of the NCECA (National Council for the Education of Ceramic 艺术s) and the 艺术s Council of Southwestern Indiana.

Mr. 拉尔夫Larmann



拉曼教授教授绘画和艺术通识教育课程, 全国展出绘画作品, and writes art texts for college and advanced placement high school art programs worldwide.

Students in his painting course have worked in a many painting media including oils, 丙烯画, 蜡画, 蛋彩画, 酪蛋白, 水彩, 还有中景壁画. General education courses 介绍 to the Visual 艺术s is an overview focusing on visual literacy and 介绍 to 工作室艺术 is a survey of art studio materials and techniques. His paintings have been included in international shows at the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University Bloomington and UE branch campus Harlaxton College in the United Kingdom. 国家群展包括艺术在X, 泽维尔大学, where he won the Best of Show Award earning a solo exhibition in the University's Gallery. 其他个展包括印第安纳波利斯艺术博物馆, 芝加哥洛约拉大学, 以及代顿视觉艺术中心. 拉曼教授是 通往艺术之门, 博物馆和画廊项目杂志,和 泰晤士河 & 哈德逊艺术导论,均由泰晤士出版社出版 & Hudson和W. W. 美国的诺顿. 通往艺术之门 已经被翻译成普通话和韩语了吗.

He has received the Berger Award for Excellence in Scholarly Activity and twice served as 访问ing Professor at Harlaxton College.



Ms. 威廉姆森柴斯坦,学士,硕士



科利斯·查斯坦的根在中西部, where she received her BS from Indiana State University and her MFA in Painting and Sculpture from Southern Illinois University. She continued her career in Maine as an 艺术ist/Educator with the University of Maine, 新英格兰大学, 南缅因大学, 首都圈技术中心, 和马拉纳库克高中. In 2014, Corliss relocated to Evansville where she teaches for the University of Southern Indiana and 英国威廉希尔中文网站, 为此,她也是UE艺术画廊的总监. Corliss is a Mixed-Media 艺术ist with an international exhibition record and work in private, 博物馆及大学藏品. She has also received recognition for her work as an 艺术ist and leader in 艺术教育 from institutions that include the Fulbright Foundation, 玛丽·沃尔什-夏普基金会, Quimby基金会, 缅因艺术学院, 芝加哥艺术学院的学校, 堪萨斯城艺术学院, 缅因州艺术教育协会, 以及全国艺术教育协会.

Mr. 凯尔达内尔, bfa, mfa



凯尔达内尔是一位来自加州圣地亚哥的艺术家兼作家. His work resides in the storytelling aspect of relief printmaking focusing on urban legends, 流行文化, 以及宏大的宇宙视野. Kyle received his BFA in Studio art from Culver-Stockton College in 2010 and his MFA in 工作室艺术 from East Tennessee State University in 2013.

夫人. 南希爵士, bfa, mfa



南希爵士 is a figurative artist from New Orleans, LA, via the Midwest. Nancy's work focuses on using classical techniques in charcoal and painting, 然后将其融入当代表达. Ms. 洛克伊尔还参与慈善事业, and has worked with arts and learning programming for inner city children. Her artwork has been exhibited in the Tri-State area as well as nationally, including the traveling Mid-States Exhibition and "No Dead 艺术ists" in Louisiana. Nancy is a UE alumni and received her Maste's in Fine 艺术 from the University of New Orleans.

夫人. 瓦莱丽Milholland、b、ma



瓦莱丽Milholland is a Registered 艺术 Therapist from DeMotte, Indiana. Her classes apply theory to real world experience through her work at Evansville Psychiatric Children's Hospital-where she has worked for 27 years. 专业领域包括创意开发, 青少年个性化, 同情疲劳, 用艺术创造社会变革. She earned her BS in 艺术治疗 at 英国威廉希尔中文网站 in 1994, and her Master's in Expressive Therapies at the University of Louisville.

夫人. 萨拉·罗迪斯、b、ma



自2006年以来,Sara拥有并担任S.K. 罗迪斯当代珠宝,糖果甜肥皂, & BLOOM手工蜡烛. She creates custom products, artwork, and jewelry for an international client base. 她曾担任的职位包括:USI Communications & Events Coordinator for the USI Foundation and USI Fine Craft Curator at the New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary 艺术.



夫人. 卡罗尔McCraney


