

Dr. 瓦莱丽•斯坦

Professor of Religious Studies / Program Director, Social Justice / Program Director, Race & 种族研究


Professor of Religious Studies, is the Program Director of the Social Justice program and Race & 种族研究. Dr. Stein has been at the University of Evansville since 2002. She teaches a wide range of courses situated at the intersection of justice, 股本, 多样性, and inclusion and social change. Dr. Stein earned her ThD in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament from Harvard University. Her research centers on the use, 影响, and impact of religion on issues of gender, 性, 殖民主义, 和种族.|斯坦的书, Anti-cultic Theology in Christian Biblical Interpretation: A Study of Isaiah 66:1-4 and Its Reception grounded the discussion of Christian anti-Jewish interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in the analysis of a particular passage. She shows that the widely held Christian interpretation of Isaiah 66:1-4 as an indictment against the Jerusalem temple and cult - and thereby God's rejection of Judaism - is motivated by a theology of substitution that sees the Church as the new Israel. Stein has also presented and published on how interpretations of biblical women reflect social attitudes and beliefs with respect to gender (see, 例如, her articles “Know*Be*Do: Using the Bible to Teach Ethics to Children” and “Gender Components in Dramatic Retellings of Judith”). Her current research (see “Privileging God the Father: The Neoliberal Theology of the Evangelical Orphan Care Movement” in The Politics of Reproduction: Adoption, Abortion, and surrogacy in the Age of Neoliberalism) uses postcolonial and feminist methods of biblical criticism to show how evangelical Christian theology interprets the Bible to align the adoptive parents with God and thus effectively to allow for the dismissal of ethical concerns associated with adoption and foster care. In the case of international adoption, this “Gospel-centered” adoption takes advantage of Western privilege to victimize women in developing nations as a form of Christian neo殖民主义. She problematizes the role of transracial adoption in the Evangelical orphan care movement as a visual evangelism.

Dr. 吉姆器皿

Emeritus Professor of 宗教


Dr. 我得了个M。.A. in Greek and Latin Classical Literature from Washington University, St. 路易斯和一个M.A and PhD in New Testament and Ancient Christianity from Yale University. His scholarly work focuses on 新约, 最早的基督教, and ancient philosophy and religion. 他是 Paul’s Theology in Context: Creation, Incarnation, Covenant, and Kingdom 文(2019), Paul and the Mission of the Church (布里尔, 2005; softcover reprint Baker Academic, 2011), and a new tool for the study of Paul’s epistles, Synopsis of the Pauline Letters in Greek and English (Baker Academic, 2010). He is also co-editor and co-translator of Philodemus on Frank Criticism (Society of Biblical Literature, 1998), the first English translation of a work by the ancient Epicurean philosopher Philodemus discovered in the ruins of Herculaneum. He teaches courses in ancient Greek language and literature, 新约, 福音书, 保罗的书信, and ancient Christianity.



夫人. 玛丽莎Patterson-Knox

Administrative Assistant for Foreign Languages and Cultures and Archaeology
