Housing Assignment 日历

2024-2025 year

All Returning Students

Depending on where you want to live, there are different timelines and processes.
Housing Contracts go live on 3月18日 on Self-Service*.
(Some processes start before 3月18日).
See all processes and deadlines below!

Rising Sophomore Requests for New Hall and Jones Hall Apartments

  • February 26 – 3月1日
    • New Hall / Jones Hall Request Cards available in the Office of Residence Life*
  • 3月1日
    • New Hall / Jones Hall Request Cards due by 5:00 p.m. in the Office of Residence Life.
  • 3月4日至8日
    • Residence Life Staff processes New Hall / Jones Hall Request Cards and makes assignments.
  • 3月11日
    • New Hall / Jones Hall housing assignments emailed*.
  • 3月31日
    • Housing contracts and registration due to confirm your placement*.

Village Process - Rising Junior and Senior requests for Jones Hall Apartments, Townhouses and Lincoln Commons

  • February 26 – 3月1日
    • Village Request Cards available in the Office of Residence Life*
  • 3月1日
    • Village Request Cards due by 5:00 p.m. in the Office of Residence Life.
  • 3月4日至8日
    • Residence Life Staff processes Village Request Cards and makes assignments.
  • 3月18日
    • Village housing assignments* emailed*.
  • 3月31日
    • Housing contracts and registration due to confirm your placement*.

Residence Hall Process

  • 3月31日
    • Housing contracts and registration due to request residence Hall assignment*.
  • 四月一日至四日
    • Residence Life Staff processes residence hall requests and makes assignments*.
  • 4月5日
    • Returning students emailed housing assignments*.

* Students must have submitted all required materials to be assigned housing. Required materials include a contract and registration via Self-Service as well as any additional registration materials (i.e. request cards for New Residence Hall and/or Villages, Village supplemental agreements, etc.). Individual housing preferences will be taken into consideration as well as the availability of space for 2024-2025. The University reserves the right to make or change assignments, assign a new roommate, or consolidate spaces at any point in the academic year bases on the needs of the program.