2014 - 2015年度全球学者

The 创新中心 and 改变 at 英国威廉希尔中文网站 announced that the following individuals were selected as 2014-2015 英国威廉希尔中文网站 全球学者.

每位全球学者将获得津贴和旅行津贴. 作为全球学者, 该奖项的获得者将从事奖学金, 课程开发, 以及为我们的学生和社区做好全球领导准备的相关活动, 公民, 和成功. 全球学者项目由约翰·H·盖茨基金会支持. 施罗德全球学者捐赠基金和礼来基金会.

Dr. P. 罗瑞娜·安杜扎,助理教授,西班牙语


Dr. Andueza will study to what extent an immersion setting affects the process of learning Spanish as a second language. 具体地说, 她想表明,在什么样的熟练程度上,出国留学经验是最有效的, 中间, 高级), 学习者最需要提高的技能是什么(写作, 说话, 阅读听力), 并确定影响留学经历(夏季)长短的因素, 学期, 一年).

Dr. Andueza will compare the output of 15 students (American English native 说话ers) during their study abroad in a Spanish university (University of Deusto (Bilbao) or University of Antonio de Nebrija (Madrid)) at an initial, 中级或高级水平将花费5 - 6周, 出国一个学期, or a year abroad using the target language in different tasks/exercises for which they will need to write, 说话, listen and read (the tasks/ exercises provided to the students will be based on the content and 的方法 of the courses). 在设计这些任务/练习之前,她会联系老师并阅读教学大纲。. 除了, 135名学生将接受两次一对一的面试:抵达时和离开前. 在这些采访中, 她会问他们学习西班牙语的动机和目的, what kind of opportunities they had to interact with native 说话ers (comparing living conditions: homestay/dormitory, 朋友, 实习……), 他们对文化和社会活动和事件的参与, and will ask questions about their own perception of the learning process (what they think about the classes, 的方法, 他们学到了什么?)年龄因素, 性别, 他们的语言背景(L1和L3)也会被考虑在内. 对照组将是最初在UE学习西班牙语课程的学生, 中高级(45人).

Her second goal is to conduct the same study with international students learning English and attending classes through the Intensive English learning center at UE. This will include the same factors and the same procedure used to evaluate the 出国留学 program in Spain (level of proficiency, 节目长度, 参与文化活动和社区活动, 等.). 唯一的区别就是, 因为没有学生只在一个夏天或一个学期上课,而是全年上课, 每个级别将面试15名学生.

Dr. 莎拉·坎宁安,物理治疗助理教授


Dr. 坎宁安将研究肯尼亚的医疗保健系统. It has been nationalized since 1970 with the Ministry of Health assuming responsibility for all public health facilities. 一半的人口生活在贫困之中, 肯尼亚努力为其公民提供基本医疗保健服务. 政府于1994年发表了《威廉希尔中文网》, 哪一个设想提供“可接受的高质量医疗保健”, 负担得起的, 对所有人开放.“该框架减少了传染病,改善了儿童健康. One of the main limitations for the delivery of healthcare is the shortage of qualified healthcare professionals in the region. 现有的医疗服务提供者往往集中在城市地区. 这导致农村卫生设施的人力资源持续短缺, 在卫生工作者的数量和资格方面. 除了 to the difficulty in providing nationalized healthcare with a shortage of trained providers, 肯尼亚于2010年颁布了一部新宪法,以分散政府权力. 与新宪法一致, 《威廉希尔中文网》的重点是改善肯尼亚的总体健康状况. 将权力下放作为管理国家医疗保健需求的指导战略, 这个国家的卫生系统是按金字塔等级组织的. 村里的药房构成了金字塔中最大和最低的层次. 地区卫生中心和省级医院在金字塔上的位置更少、更高, 肯雅塔国家医院是全国主要的医疗服务转诊中心.

Dr. Cunningham recently traveled to Nairobi in March 2014 to assist with a residency program for post- graduate physiotherapists at Kenyatta Medical Training Center. 该项目得到了杰克逊基金会和肯尼亚卫生部的支持. There was general excitement regarding the possibility of sharing/ exchanging expertise with 教师 and students from the United States. She also had the privilege to discuss collaborative research to examine the effect of advanced medical training on the delivery of physiotherapy with the President of the Jackson Foundation and the Director of the Kenyatta Medical Training Center. The first goal of the global scholar project includes performing qualitative research with recent graduates of the physiotherapy residency at Kenyatta Medical Training Center (KMTC) to examine the impact of post graduate training on the delivery of physiotherapy in each of their areas of practice. The second goal is developing the framework for a 教师-led learning experience in Kenya through personal discussions with key individuals at KMTC and the Kenyan Ministry of Health. These connections will allow expansion upon possible experiences related to healthcare delivery through the Kenya Health Policy and its relationship to the Constitution 2010. The objective of the course being to explore the challenges of providing nationalized healthcare in a developing nation with multiple unique complexities including: recent political changes incorporating decentralization of the government, 交通基础设施有限, 缺乏合格的医疗保健提供者, 传染病的负担, 农村部落的多元价值观, 在许多领域,人们对传统医学的接受程度超过了传统医学. The third goal is to continue discussions regarding the establishment an 8-week physical therapy clinical rotation at the Kenyatta National Hospital.

Dr. Walayet汗,金融学教授


Dr. 汗将研究围绕新兴市场的实证和非实证问题.

Equity markets play an instrumental role in the economic growth and development of an economy by providing a mechanism of transferring excess funds from surplus units to deficit units. 然而,关于股票市场的学术研究基本上集中在发达市场. 对新兴市场的兴趣相对较新, 但是一个强大的, 有许多未开发或较少开发的地区. 学者 are keen to develop a deeper insight into security generating return processes in emerging markets. Institutional and sophisticated retail investors are always in search of opportunities to earn abnormal returns in emerging markets. Regulators want to identify and develop correcting mechanisms for improving efficiency of emerging markets for the overall good of the global financial system.

实证研究将着眼于新兴市场的长期协整. 这是, 股票指数和经济变量像工业生产吗, 通货膨胀, 汇率单独或共同与股指共整? The research will also focus on what role industrial production plays in determining the exchange rates in emerging markets economies.

在非实证方面(软研究),Dr. 汗会写一篇题为, 你想知道的关于新兴市场的一切(在股票投资的背景下),“主要针对的目标受众是学生, 教师, 工作人员, and the local people responding to their common potential questions such as the following: What are emerging markets? 什么是前沿市场? 为什么它们对我们很重要? 它们的基本经济和金融特征是什么? 他们提供了什么样的机会? 他们提供了什么样的挑战? 我们怎样才能从新兴市场中分一杯羹.e.投资新兴市场的有效方法)? 这篇论文, 或者是其中的一部分, 由教师自行决定, will be assigned to students for 10 days of short international business classes held in Turkey and Brazil.